Vikkel stitches or twisted traveling stitches are used in Estonian knitting to create patterns that look like narrow cable patterns without the use of a cable needle. In this video, you'll learn how to create the left purl twist- twisting 2 stitches to create a left leaning knit stitch with a purl stitch on the right continental style.
Vikkel stitches or twisted traveling stitches are used in Estonian knitting to create patterns that look like narrow cable patterns without the use of a cable needle. In this video, you'll learn how to create the left purl twist- twisting 2 stitches to create a left leaning knit stitch with a purl stitch on the right English throwing style.
Vikkel stitches or twisted traveling stitches are used in Estonian knitting to create patterns that look like narrow cable patterns without the use of a cable needle. In this video, you'll learn how to create the left purl twist- twisting 2 stitches to create a right leaning knit stitch with a purl stitch on the left continental style.
Vikkel stitches or twisted traveling stitches are used in Estonian knitting to create patterns that look like narrow cable patterns without the use of a cable needle. In this video, you'll learn how to create the left purl twist- twisting 2 stitches to create a right leaning knit stitch with a purl stitch on the left English throwing style.
Vikkel stitches or twisted traveling stitches are used in Estonian knitting to create patterns that look like narrow cable patterns without the use of a cable needle. In this video, you'll learn how to create the knit twists- twisting 2 knit stitches to create left and right leaning twisted stitches both continental and english throwing styles.